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Wild Poll
North. Korea threatened US with Nuclear War, what should we do?

ignore them
beg them not to nuke us
let some other country deal with them
go see a movie
threaten them with nuclear war
drop a nuke on them
drop a lot of nukes on them

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Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Audioblogger is online!

Audioblogger allows you to add your audio posts from any phone! I think I am going to like this. If you use blogger goto Audioblogger to sign up today!

Click below to here Wild Bill's first Audioblogger post.

this is an audio post - click to play

Update: I been thinking for the last few minutes, Does this mean I do not have to sit on the couch in my pajamas and blog all day? Can I finally leave the house once in a while and still post? I belive it does. Now I just need to work on my voice presentations. (I spell better when I speak!)

Update (9/15 5:43PM): I want to thank Pat from Kerry Haters for adding me to the Blogger Roundup. I will try and make you proud. P.S. Pat and Kitty, I am still reading Treachery hope to have a post up soon.

Check out the very first installment of Wild Bill's Daily AudioBlog.

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