Bush Hits Homerun
Last night Bush gave one of the best speeches of his life. There should be no complaints coming from the John Kerry campaign, but of course there are. Kerry held a rally just minutes after the Presidents speech. In the background during John boy's snide dribble you could hear Kerry Kool-aid drinkers running their stupid mouths. One Kerry drone said, "Bush Sucks!" another said, "Fuck Bush!" And Kerry says all we heard was anger and insults from Republicans? I don't remember protestors interrupting Kerry's speech at the DNC. Here is what Ketchup King Kerry had to say:
The anger that Kerry spoke about came from Democrat Senator Zell Miller, the insults from Bush haters, not from Republicans. When Kerry speaks of a record of failure is speaking about his 20 years in the Senate. The main problem with Kerry's statement (besides the fact that it is false) is the president spoke exstensivly about real issues facing Americans. Kerry must have ketchup in his ears. Here is a summary of the real issues that Kerry did not want to hear:
He also promised to strengthen the Social Security (search) system and boost math and science programs in the nation’s schools.--FoxNews.com (more)
Sounds like real issues to me. But of course I am not trying to hear what I want to hear (like Democrat Lemmings!) I simple listen to what Bush and Kerry say, then compare that with what they do. The only canidate that is fit to be our commander-in-cheif is George W. Bush. FOUR MORE YEARS OF FREEDOM!!! |