My FahrenHYPE 911 DVD and Companion Book just arrived
Right now, as I type this post I am watching the new movie FahrenHYPE 9/11. I recommend this movie to anyone that wants the truth about 9/11 and Michael Moore.
Yesterday I rented Michael Moore's movie of lies Fahrenheit 9/11. I had already watched it in the movie theater when it first came out. I decided to rent this pack of lies, because I believe in being informed about the scum that I write about. I do not want to give one dime to Michael Moore, but I hope by watching this steaming pile of shit that Michael Moore thinks might win the Best Picture Oscar, I will understand the enemy better. We are in a war. Michael Moore is the enemy. Michael Moore is a liar, a traitor, and a terrorist. Michael Moore is the lowest form of life on the earth. Anyone that aligns himself or herself with Michael Moore is the enemy of America. Michael Moore is an enemy of America. I believe in free speech, matter-of-fact I am exercising that right while I write this post. What Michael Moore has done with his movie Fahrenheit 9/11 is TREASON. President Bush should go to Congress and reinstitute The U.S. Sedition Act, convict Michael Moore, and throw his fat ass in the deepest darkest cell in Guantanamo Bay. |