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Friday, June 09, 2006

Congress to hold hearings into OKC bombing

Examining foreign connection to plot, including Arab terrorists

( from WND, Hat Tip Atlas Shrugs)

Posted: June 9, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By J.D. Cash and Roger Charles
© 2006 McCurtain Daily Gazette

In what some on Capitol Hill are calling a surprising decision, Rep. Henry Hyde, R-Ill., has given the nod for hearings into the long-debated question of whether those responsible for the bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building had help from any foreign source.

Spurred to action by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., Hyde has given Rohrabacher's Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee of the House International Relations Committee the wide-ranging authority to conduct interviews and subpoena documents related to the April 19, 1995, terrorist attack that left 168 dead, 19 of them children.

Interviewed Wednesday, Rohrabacher confirmed that his nearly two-year-long personal investigation into the Oklahoma City tragedy had finally received the necessary support for an official congressional investigation.

"Congressman Hyde has approved my request for hearings into the OKC bombing. The congressional investigation will be limited to our area of focus, which is whether there was a foreign connection to the conspiracy," Rohrabacher explained.

"I think we know what we're looking for and I expect complete cooperation from the witnesses we call and the agencies we look to for documents." (more)
It's about time. Jayna Davis has been trying to get the truth about the Oklahoma City Bombing investigated for a long time. Some of us are still wondering what about John Doe #2. Maybe Jayna Davis's hard work will finally help Oklahoma and the rest of America realize that the Oklahoma City bombing was one of the first attacks in the War on Terror.

Update: Dustbury links with Come in, John Doe #2 and says,
I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist by nature, but I do believe in getting to the bottom of things, especially when there's a nagging suspicion that those who wrote the Official Story penciled a false floor into the blueprints.
There are a lot of questions that still need to be answered.

Update #2: RealTeen from Right on the Right gets in on the disscussion, Investigating an Act of Domestic Terrorism. Excert:
...I am not a conspiracy theorist but we could use some more facts. If the facts only serve to collaborate what we already know, that’s fine, but it’s worth another look. A Congressman apparently thinks the same thing...Considering the recent developments in Canada where terrorists wanted to use 3x the amount of explosives, this investigation is a good idea. Perhaps our enemies are using volatile domestic agents to carry out their attacks? Maybe, maybe not, but worth a look.


Linked to: Conservative Cat | Linkfest Haven | Atlas Shrugs | Dustbury | Right on the Right

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