Oklahoma State Capital Rally Against Illegal Aliens
Are all these Americans racists because they want imagrants to obey the law? Here are the pictures I took today at a rally against illegal aliens at the Oklahoma State Capital. All of the major news channels were there FOX, ABS, CBS, and NBS. I'll watch the news tonight and give you an update on what local Oklahoma media had to say about the Pro-legal immigration rally. My favorite Oklahoma talk radio station, KTOK was there also. The pictures speak for themselves. I didn't ask the people at the rally, "Why they hated Mexicans?" I was afraid they wouldn't understand my sarcasm. I would rather associate with these law abiding Americans anyday than give one more tax dollar to these law breakers. I spoke with a man from the Minuteman Project and told him I appreciate his help at the border. Does that make me a racist? I especially like the picture of the Loa-American lady talking to a local reporter. Her sign explains exactly how I feel about illegal aliens. Legal immigrants consider themselves Americans not Mexicans. The last picture is my favorite, because it is of my two boys holding the American flag at the rally with their Dad. So far these are the local news stories I have found about the rally. Related Links:
keywords: Current Affairs events Funny Pictures Journalism KTOK Illegal Aliens Illegal Immigrants Media News News and politics Oklahoma Passionate America Photos Politics Republicans Talk Radio Television |