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Monday, October 09, 2006

Email that makes you go hmmmmm!

I received this email and I thought I would share it with my readers. Email me and let me know what you think.

I don’t believe Jordan Edmonds deserves sympathy over being ousted he is a self described political whore, a huge ass-hole, who likes making fun of stupid people and fat/stupid people at the gym.

And he apparently has no problem stating such on a public blog where he also states he is working as Deputy Campaign Manager for Ernest Istook on his campaign for Governor of Oklahoma!

So excuse me, this young man does not strike me as a victim! Quite the contrary we should demand what the whole truth is, he should be answering questions and answering them now! And why hasn’t he been answering them before?

Excerpts from Jordan Edmonds My Space Blog Google cache:

Last Login: 3/5/2006, "I live next to a Meth house" General interests:
“Politics (If you haven't figured out that I'm a political whore yet)”, “making fun of stupid people and fat/stupid people at the gym”.

About me: “Politics is my passion; I love the game”, “working as Deputy Campaign Manager for Ernest Istook on his campaign for Governor”. “Yeah, I'm a huge ass-hole and probably one of the most insensitive people that you will meet”.

Who I'd like to meet: “I don't want to meet. Stupid people, people who don't like politics (politicians make your fucking laws)”.

This has changed since then to the way it was posted on your site. I found this information by following a link attached to a LGF comment and I question why more is or has not been done by our media.

If as a result of this young mans (Prank/not Prank IM’s) our Elections are adversely affected (every single one of us should be out raged).

ABC seems to be struggling with this story to promote it, and I believe there is no excuse for their actions, I am seeing no proof that they are verifying their stories, and the way information is trickling out causes me more questions. Remember Rathergate?}

Orson Wells War of the Worlds is the best analogy I can think of, when thinking about this situation!

I listened to the MP3 of your show, and feel for the situation you are in, and the adversity you are being faced with.

I can only imagine the angst you feel, but please be assured that you will survive it. I am sure that you are receiving a lot of advise and help from people, if not now I am sure you will in the very near future, I believe this whole affair will _have a bungee like effect_, in fact it appears to me that people in general are already starting to get a grip on their initial emotional response to this whole sordid affair. And you will come out of this a better and stronger man!

In response to the E-Mail I sent, you stated: “Very good points you have a story research it and post, be ready for the firestorm”.

I took a closer look, but since I have nowhere to post the information, and don’t know anyone who Blogs (or even knows about computers) it is no good to me and it may even be information you already have, either way it can only help you!

You posted an image of Edmonds My space account showing his last login as 7/31/2006 (That’s only a few days after the sex predator site began, isn’t it?)

Edmond lists under (interests) “making fun of stupid people and fat/stupid people at the gym” and under (about me) says “Yeah, I'm probably one of the most insensitive people that you will meet.” This is just after saying that he’ll be “working as Deputy Campaign Manager for Ernest Istook on his campaign for Governor” and Edmonds finishes with “and fat people are disgusting”

So I would say he is both insensitive and/or not overly bright, (in my opinion a walking talking political brain fart waiting for a place to happen) I’m pretty sure Istook wouldn’t be too happy! And I am certain the voters wouldn’t like it, (it is almost like it was a deliberate attempt to be insulting)! And this is someone who is a 3rd year Political Science major and Public Policy minor at the University of California, Berkeley?

Interesting particularly since I have a Google cache of the same my space page showing his last login as 3/5/2006 (link):

The page I have is different than the one you posted and I do not know if it is because it is a cache or format was changed (it has his employment history for one thing, or did you remove it from yours), schools, and lists himself as a political operative?

The comment about Meth heads is different, under (interests)“Politics *(If you haven't figured out that I'm a political whore yet)*,” as well as “making fun of stupid people and fat/stupid people at the gym” (about me) he says “Yeah, I'm *a huge ass-hole* and probably one of the most insensitive people that you will meet.”

Over all I am left with the impression that it is almost as though he abandoned the site after removing comments that were detrimental to his own personal image *(If you haven't figured out that I'm a political whore yet, and I'm a huge ass-hole*) and _adding_ another insult “and fat people are disgusting”.

Listening to your rant today I got the distinct impression that there was more you wanted to say but couldn’t or wouldn’t, and that it was almost as though you felt you were set up in that you followed the clues, found and posted his Identity. And now felt trapped, and I certainly do not want to make things worse for you but if there is/was a deliberate effort too spoil our elections something needs to be done. And right now you are the one best able to use this information (if it is anything at all).

No matter what the reason the statements made on a public website, would seem to me to make people less sympathetic to his being ousted, particularly since a lot of people still talk like he was an innocent (victim) minor in 2003, I’m not so sure and apparently there are others who are trying to figure it out.

Thank you very much for your email

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