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Saturday, July 31, 2004

Marine won't take orders from Kerry

Marine does not like Kerry

Check out this story. Seems the military does not want Kerry as their Commander-in-Chief. I could have told you that. U.S. service men do not care much for traitors.

Next of Kin Spam Scam

I received this post from my brother. Thought you might like it.

Spam Crap

I was just wondering if anybody else gets this one email:

Dear Kerr,

I am an Accountant with STANDARD TRUST BANK (STB),My name is Mr Alex Mekoba Banker I am the personal Account Manager to Engineer Thomas Kerr.A National of your country, who used to work with shell Development company in Nigeria.Here in after shall be referred to as my client On April 21, 1999, my client, his wife, and their three children were involved in a car accident along Sagamu express way. Since then, I have made several enquiries to your embassy to locate any of my clients extended relatives, this has also proved unsuccessful. After these several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to trace his relatives over the Internet, so to locate any member of his family but to no avail, hence I contacted you. I have contacted you to assist in repatriating the money that belong to my client before they get confiscated or declared as unserviceable by the bank where this huge deposit were lodged. Particularly, the Bank where the deceased had an account valued at about $10. Million Dollars, has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have the account confiscated within the next ten official working days. Since I have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for over 3 years now. Therefore, I have decided to seek your consent to present you as the "Next of Kin" of the deceased since you are from the same Country and bear the same last name, so that the proceeds of this account valued at $10.Million Dollars, can be paid to you and then you and me can share the money. 55% to me and 40% to you, while 5% will be mapped out for any expenses during the process or Tax as your Government may require, I have the Certificate of deposit that can be used to back up any claim we may make. All I require is your honest Cooperation to enable us seeing this deal through. I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law. Please get in touch with me strictly via this email:, to enable us discuss further.

Best regards, Alex Mekoba

Now I have received probably 50-75 of these 'next of kin' emails. Every time the next of kin’s first name changes, they all worked for "Shell Oil Company" and it is a different accountant/attorney that is trying to get me to respond. The story always takes place in Africa and The Kerrs always die (the whole family) in a car crash.

First things first. Hello, Kerr is an Irish/Scottish name; we Kerrs are all poor white trash. None of us has $10million. And if we did, let me tell you the rest of us PWT Kerrs would come out of the cracks trying to get a piece of that pie, like Kid Rock on a trailer park. This is perjury what 'he' is trying to do even if it was real. This story was kind of funny the first 10 times.


p.s. feel free to spam this guy back with all kinds of crap (sign up for something on line and put his name in as a "friend"). Its not like I could stop you, or that payback is not a bitch.

Pope scorns FemiNazis

The pope catching some ZZZZZs

The Pope thinks feminism (FemiNazis) are ruining the moral fiber of the world. He is right. In a recently released statement:

Church representatives have argued that this is symptomatic of a breakdown in values, and particularly a greater selfishness among young couples more interested in consumer goods than creating life. Feminists have long held that it is a result of the reluctance of men to share household tasks and the failure of governments to provide adequate support for families.”

I could not agree more with the Vatican and his holiness. Further, into the article, Eva Figes a FemiNazi bitch author says:

"There is another agenda there: he [the Pope] will think maternity is more important than public life. I don't see why women should not have both - and it should be their choice."

Women have a choice, they can be single mother whores, unmarried career oriented women without children, divorced money grubbing selfish independent whores, married with children cheating whores, or married monogamous homemakers. Married monogamous homemakers are the greatest women on the earth; they are the type of woman every good man is dying to marry.

Men on the other hand have no choice. We [men] are expected to be understanding when the women we love sends our children to daycare (a surrogate mother), run off and get a job, and then bitch that they are to busy for sexual relations with their husbands. The majority of today’s feminized women expect men to throw away their manhood by doing traditional mother type tasks, such as:

  • Play with newborns
  • Cook meals (very few of today’s modern women know how to cook)
  • Do laundry
  • Clean the house
  • Shop
  • Go to parent teachers conferences
  • etc.

Men play with action figures, army men, and shoot-em-up games while growing up. During childhood, men play cops and robbers, cowboys and Indians, and shoot each other in the ass with Roman Candles. Women on the other hand play with baby dolls, Barbie dolls, and Cabbage Patch Kids. During childhood women play house, tea party, and fashion show. Men are taught to get a job or start a business, work hard long hours, find a good woman that would make a great mother, and take care of her and treat her like a queen.

Men and women are different! That is not a bad thing like the FemiNazis would like you to think. The salvation of modern day society rests in women's hands. Ladies, you must reclaim your roles as the keeper of the castle, let men go out and slay the Dragons, and take on the role of mother as a badge of honor not the example of slavery that Feminist Lesbians like to portray it as. Men love mothers not so called independent liberated men hating women. The children of the world need mothers at home raising them to be outstanding adults. The most damaging thing to a child is a broken family.

In the August edition of Passionate America, I will explore this issue in greater lenght. To subscribe to Passionate America send me an email.

Friday, July 30, 2004

Get rid of pesky SHARKS!

How to mace a shark

I swear to god aliens have implanted a device in my brain to steal my ideas or maybe my car and my house is bugged? Mabye it's a Vast Left-Wing Conspiry! I had this idea a few days ago. What if you could make a sun tan lotion that was also a shark replelant? Well another one of my ideas that has been stolen. Check out the story here.


Found this little ditty on Michelle Malkin's website. You just have to check it out.

By Michelle Malkin · July 29, 2004 07:49 PM

Mark Steyn whacks the girlie men of Europe and America upside the head, including the author of this wussy article in Foreign Policy proudly touting the European Union as "The Metrosexual Superpower."

On a similar note, blogger Jennifer Martinez calls on real men to rise up and revolt against the metrosexuals:

Ok folks, I have had it. I've taken all I can stand and I can't stand no more. Every time my TV is on, all that can be seen is effeminate men prancing about, redecorating houses and talking about foreign concepts like "style" and "feng shui." Heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, trans-sexual, metrosexual, non sexual; blue, green, and purple-sexual-bogus definitions have taken over the urban and suburban world!

Real men of the world, stand up, scratch your butt, belch, and yell "ENOUGH!" I hereby announce the start of a new offensive in the culture wars, the Retrosexual movement...

The rest of her rousing "Retrosexual Code" is here.

Update: Turns out the author of the Retrosexual Code is Grau Magus, whose anti-metrosexual manifesto has been spreading across the Internet like David Beckham's spilt nail polish. You go, man!

Way to Go Michelle. It's about time women start demanding their men act like men.

Socialists and Communists Support Kerry

Check this out! This comes as no surprise. So do you still think Kerry cares about the little man?

Kerry wants one America; one misrible America. Vote for Kerry if you want to stand in a mile long line waiting for a few peices of toilet paper that will cost you $10 a sheet.

DNC, where the F*&K are the ballons?

During the finale of the Democratic National Convention, convention director Don Mischer lost his temper while his voice went out on CNN. Audio here.

For the full transcript of his potty mouth click here.

Where the F*&K are the ballons?

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Burn protestors Burn

Well the dumb asses are at it again. Protestors are causing trouble at the DNC. The picture above shows a dumb ass jumping on a burning scarecrow with the face of Kerry on one side and Bush on the other. All this happening just hours before John-boy Kerry is scheduled to give flip-flop of his life (speech of his life). Wait until the RNC, there will be more idiot protestors than you can drop a bomb on.

Nick Berg and Paul Johnson Beheading video.

Maybe you have already watched these videos but if not here they are again. Remember this is why we are fighting a War on TERROR!

Fat Bastard Michael Moore to over see Florida Election

Every one that knows me knows that I cannot stand the lying leftist entertainer Michael Moore. Once again, he is poking his chubby little fingers into the election. Michael Boore says he is going to Florida to make sure every vote is counted. He means every dead Democrat vote, every Democrat that doesn't vote, every criminal that is not eligible to vote, every voter that is voting for Kerry and is to damn stupid to use the voting machine correctly, and every person that votes for Nadar (because they really meant to vote for Kerry.)

What he really means is that he wants to send thousands of Leftist lawyers to each polling place in the hope that they can intimidate Bush voters to stay home. He wants to make sure that absentee ballots from American military personal from Florida are not counted.

Hey Michael Snoore, I predict your little Florida stunt will actually cause more people to question why they ever thought of voting for your friends the Democrats. Your lies will bring people out in large numbers to make sure that your socialist ideas will die with you. If Moore, the French, and terrorists would vote for Kerry, then let us send them a message. BUSH/CHENEY 2004!

Michael Moore, The Real Fat Bastard!

Saddam has stroke!

Die you dirty bastard!

Shitty way to meet Jesus

We are all gonna die someday. Please, oh please don't let me die like this!

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

New Statement by Abu Hafs Masri Brigade Threatens to Level European Cities

The Northeast Intelligence Network on July 28th published this threat from the Abu Hafs Masri Brigade.

"We will level Europe's cities and will start with you O Berlusconi." That's what a new statement released today by the Abu Hafs Masri Brigade threatens.

The statement, released this morning on a number of Arabic language forums, is addressed to the Governments of Europe.

The operational capabilities of Abu Hafs Masri Brigade are unknown. The organization is well known for taking credit for various events, including the Madrid train bombings and the blackouts in the U.S.

In the name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful
Abu Hafs Al-Masri Brigades
The Al-Qaeda Network

The praise of Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and the prayer of Allah and greetings to the leader of militants and the believers, Imam Mohammad Bin Abd Allah; and after:

This message is directed to the European governments…

Today we declare a bloody war on you, and we will not stop the attacks on you until you return to the right, after the end of the deadline that our sheikh Osama Ben Ladin (who Allah keeps) defined, and afterwards if you do not return to your senses, then we will declare them a fierce war in your face and in the face of your silent nations that does not move a quiet and that fasted it that it showed a thing then shows the support and the support of you. And we have started with the promise of the Italian government and on its mean head, Berlusconi, and our start by it to its disgraceful attitudes and the mean ones and their submission behind the hamlet head America ... Then he waited for us O Berlusconi and other than from your allies and your supporters, he waited for our threat that shot it for you in the beginning and shoot it now in Europe face... We will make the blood flow so that they sweep you away in their depths, you who judged on your nation by that, and Europe the unbeliever with her submission behind America judged on its nations by that also..

We will level Europe's cities and will start with you O Berlusconi, and we will make it a bloody till that you return to your right O leaders and Europe nations, draw your killing missions from Iraq, and you behave a way who from before you, before you taste the bitterness of the blood ..

No you are an aid of America and to the mean the disbelief leader Bush, he supported then will regret the severer of the regret on that God willing .

And he who wronged will know any return they turn back

Abu Hafs Al-Masri Brigades
The Al-Qaeda Network

DNC (Damn Near Communism)

Have you been watching the Democrat National Convention? Judging by the ratings, you have not, and who could blame you.

The Re-Invention Convention (as Sean Hanity likes to call it) is a litany of LIES. It is a non-stop Bush Bash! These people really think the average American is stupid. They think the war in Iraq is a failure and if they were in charge it would be going so much better. The problem with this is that the war in Iraq is going better than expected. The problems that the US is having in Iraq are because of insurgence from other middle-eastern countries that want democracy to fail in Iraq, cowardly countries like Spain and the Philippines, anti-American propagandists in the media, and Democrat spin-misters that can only gain power in America if they lie about Bush and if the War on Terror goes badly.

Michelle Malkin says there are Five reasons to fear the Democratic Party. More like 1000 reasons Michelle, but I still love ya.

USA TODAY (Liberal TODAY) won't publish this article by Ann Coulter, maybe it hurts their feelings? Way to go Ann!

Michael Moore's punk-ass finally found his sack last night and went on The O'reilly Factor to spew his bullshit to more Americans. A full transcript of the fat bastard’s lies can be found here.