Sean Gleeson's History of Blogging
Sean Gleeson presents The History of Blogging I want to thank Sean Gleeson for his wonderful presentations at the Okie Blogger Round-Up and I want to thank him for calling into my radio show. |
Sean Gleeson presents The History of Blogging I want to thank Sean Gleeson for his wonderful presentations at the Okie Blogger Round-Up and I want to thank him for calling into my radio show. |
![]() The best of The Passionate America Show One of the best Passionate America Shows we have ever done happened on September 23rd, 2006. Big Mike and Wild Bill broadcasted live from the first ever Okie Blogger Round-Up that night and here is the audio. ![]() Part 1 (29:41) Show Notes:
![]() Part 2 (26:40) Show Notes:
![]() Part 3 (33:33) Show Notes:
![]() Part 4 (35:29) Show Notes:
![]() Listen live to The Passionate America Show today at 4pm central time Click here to listen to Wild Bill on Wide Awakes Radio. |
Gotta love a happy ending. A pair of brothers tried to rob a jeweler at gunpoint today in Indianapolis. Of course, they didn't expect the jeweler to be packing heat.
And the nice thing is, they don't intend to prosecute. Just in case you needed more proof that allowing average citizens to carry guns lowers crime. In this case, 2 bad guys are off the streets--and one of them goes into the ground. |
![]() crApple Deserves A Blackeye Over Stupid Lawsuit I am going to start referring to Apple as crApple, because this is the biggest sack of crap I have seen in awhile. crApple thinks they own the word "pod" and is suing companies that use any form of the word pod. From [cr]Apple is waging war against companies that use the word "pod" in product and company names, arguing customers will be confused by what brand they are buying.crApple has lost their minds. Apple farmers should sue them for using the word apple which is a fruit not a computer. When is this stupidity going to end? I can see crApple being concerned about the use of the word ipod, but pod. So I guess they plan on suing everyone that has a podcast? Well crApple, I have a podcast go ahead and sue me (I could use the free advertisement.) pod pod pod pod pod...sue me! |
American Atheists are up in arms over a campaign ad by (Democrat) congressional candidate Harold Ford, Jr.“To our knowledge, this is the first time a partisan political ad has been produced using the backdrop of a church,” said Ellen Johnson, president of American Atheists. “It’s part of a larger and disturbing trend where candidates are invoking religion in order to woo constituencies and win elections.”(emphasis mine) Oh my God. It's a DISTURBING trend when people invoke religion to state their beliefs (of course, if you've heard of Harold Ford, Jr and his family ties, you know that it's all a bunch of hogwash...but that's neither here nor there) !!! What WILL we do? Oh my heavens! The next thing you know, the President will be taking the oath of office on a Bible for God's sake!! Ms. Johnson added that by “playing the religion card,” candidates like Mr. Ford were marginalizing and excluding millions of Atheists, Freethinkers, Secular Humanists and other nonbelievers. Um. Yeah. Get over it. Change the frickin' channel and vote for the Republican if you're THAT "disturbed". |
![]() Someone smarter than me (Kevin Lathan) setup a Flicker Group for the Okie Blogger Round-up 2006. I'm in a few of the pictures. Look for the brown shirt, bald spot, and cute beer belly. On another note, Kender sent me the recording of my live show from the Okie Blogger Round-up Saturday night. I have to hobble my ass into the bedroom today, hook up the desktop computer, and put together a podcast of Saturday night's show. Hope to have it ready later today. |
Weird Al Yankovic has a new CD coming out tomorrow Straight Outta Lynwood. Here is the video for White and Nerdy, damn this is funny. I think Weird Al wrote this song about me, haha. |
![]() Wholly Crapolly Does It Hurt! I got up to get a drink yesterday and my 3 year old jumped into my seat. Then my son decided to start banging on my laptop keyboard, so I yelled, "NOOOOOO" as I ran across the room to stop him. Couches are hard! As I was running I kicked the shit out of the corner of the couch and heard a CRACK! That's when the pain started. Who knew that your pinky toe could hurt so bad? Luckily for me my brother Big Mike (co-host and x-ray tech) lives about 3 minutes away. Big Mike showed up and looked at how my pinky toe was cocked over to the side and said, "I think you broke your toe, Dumbass!" I think he is right. So I will be off my feet for a while. That will give me time to get a couple of podcasts up on the website. If you are a do it yourself kind of person like me, here is some online advice for a broken toe. Broken Toe on Yahoo! Health |
![]() The 1st ever Okie Blogger Round-Up is under way. The Welcome and Orientation meet and greet is getting started now. Lot's of big name bloggers from all over Oklahoma are here. Mike Hermes from Okie Doke is addressing the Round-Up now. I'll be broadcasting The Passionate America Show live tonight from the Okie Blogger Round-Up, you wont want to miss tonight's show. |
![]() Wild Bill Blogging And Broadcasting Live Today I just woke up and I'm getting ready to head to the Okie Blogger Round Up at the Bricktown Central Plaza Hotel on the corner of MLK and Reno near down town Oklahoma City. Map of 2001 E Reno Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73117-4601, US Here is a schedule of events: 11:30 AM – Registration & Sign-in - Attendance to the Okie Blogger Round-up is limited. Reservations can be made here using PayPal or by check. Prices are $20 per person in advance or $25 the day of the Round-up. More information on the registration page. Sandwiches to be offered for sale. 12:30 PM – Welcome and orientation Workshops - 1 PM – Introduction to blogging is aimed at beginning bloggers covering software, hosting, terminology and basic HTML. This workshop will have a limited number of seats open to the public. 3 PM – Advanced blogging will cover writing and photo editing tools, podcasting, layout and design, plugins, syndication, troubleshooting, legalities, and more. _______________ 4:30 PM – Break for Dinner – A chance to sample the variety of eateries in booming Bricktown. Local dining guide and discount coupons available. _______________ 7:30 PM – 2006 Okie Blog Awards recognizing blogs voted the best in each of 12 categories by fellow Oklahoma bloggers. 8 PM – Party (casual dress) in the ballroom. Performance by folk singer, songwriter and Shawnee blogger Tim Sean Youmans. Dance music by Thunderbird DJ. Drawings for door prizes. 10 PM - Wild Bill from Wide Awakes Radio Live broadcast of The Passionate America Show. 11 PM – Mozartballs screening. Well I have a computer to load into the car and a 3 year old to get dressed. I hope to see you there.When I get my computer setup I should be live blogging the Okie Blogger Round Up. Stay tuned throughout the day for updates. |
Once again, Natalie Maines is shooting her mouth off, IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY! This time, however, she is not attacking our President, but her OWN HOME TOWN! I don't know about you, but to paraphrase Ms. Maines, I am ashamed SHE is from MY home state! She seems to think that because we "dumb rednecks" aren't buying her music, mostly due to the fact that we cannot stand her any more, that we are "attacking her right to free speech", yet she has NO PROBLEM calling people in her hometown backwood hicks (my words, although hers were dang close). Take a look at this quote.....but if you live in Lubbock, Texas, where I'm from -- you just have one paper and one radio station and unless you're savvy on the Internet, that's it for you. If Bush said get a gun and kill an Arab, they would do that.I guess she forgets the Lubbock has a population of nearly a quarter of a million people, not to mention a MAJOR state university, which houses a very fine medical school. But, then again, I am just a student of political science who will soon attend law school, and she is a country music artist, so I guess she learned more from her "art" than our politicians and other experts (which I will be one of those one day) did in college. What do you think? Should Ms. Maines be allowed not only to say what she says about her home town/state, but also be allowed to call people who decide not to buy her work stupid for disagreeing with her? Or, am I not alone in saying to her, that she is free to say what she will, but I am free to say/think what I will, and if I choose "symbolic speech" by NOT buying her music, THAT IS MY RIGHT! |
![]() I have a few questions of my own on this as well. First, why did Mexico wait THREE YEARS to come after him? Dog commented on the special last night that he understood from the judge in Mexico that as long as he left and did not return, that all would be forgotten and he would not be pursued. Why now? It is NO SECRET that I believe the Mexican government (if you can call it that) is ACTIVELY trying to erode our border, and if they can somehow make it look like our citizens have "invaded" their country in any way, that might draw favor to their side. Second, while I realize bounty hunting is illegal in Mexico, I would do what Dog did were I in his shoes three years ago. Also, the charge he faces, illegal deprivation of liberty (which the mere wording is a joke in that country), is only a misdemeanor, therefore that should not be something that he faces extradition for! Not to mention that Luster was on trial for EIGHTY SIX COUNTS of AGGREVATED RAPE/SEXUAL ASSAULT, and the Mexican officials did NOTHING despite knowing about his status. You cannot tell me that someone with the fame of Luster is able to "just blend in", especially when he did not change his lifestyle (clubs, surfing, etc...)! Next, could it be that Dog, a private citizen (gasp) EMBARASSED the Mexican PD by actually enforcing the law and catching a wanted fugitive? Could it be that they fear someone might find out that (and this is just a rumor) Luster had paid them off? I feel this might be something the U.S. State Department could want to check in to. At this point I am SICK AND TIRED of our country bending over backward so we don't "offend" anyone, yet our SUPPOSED allies are doing all they can to disarm and destroy us! When one of our own tracks down a MONSTER like Luster (on his own dime!), and brings him back to the U.S. to face justice for the EVILS he has brought upon others, and that person is persecuted for it, this world is very close to arriving at the gates of hell in the hand-cart we've ridden in for YEARS! Dog, Beth, Tim, Leland - I will only say this, thank you for what you do, God Bless you all, and I am praying for you! |
![]() A birthday I will never forget. Wide Awakes Radio producer Mandalyn emailed me this clip from my radio show that I did on July 15th 2006. Thanks Mandalyn this brings back great memories. I went with my son to see the Glenn Beck Mid-Life Crisis Tour for my 32nd birthday. When I got back from the show that night I went on the air with Real Teen to tell him about my night. powered by ODEO ![]() I also meet Kit from Euphoric Reality that night for the first time. What a great day. Tell me about your greatest birthday ever. |
![]() Move over Roseanne, you have nothing on us. We had so much fun on The Passionate America Show last night. At the end of the broadcast we were begged to sing the national anthem from one of our regular listeners FIAR. Here is the clip of Wild Bill and Big Mike singing the national anthem and doing a damn fine job (I think), enjoy. powered by ODEO ![]() It brings a tear to my eye. |
Hillary Clinton, I have to agree with you on this one, I think it's absolutely outrageous also. Senator Clinton just screwed up her chance at the presidency. Will the Moonbats at KOS endorse her now that she has come out against killing the president? |
![]() In a stunning turn of events (not really), enraged muslims around the world threatened that the world might be drawn into a global WAR, if the Pope does not apologize for his factual remarks about the religion of peace. What did the Pope say that has most of Islam slightly more enraged than usual? The Pope quoted a Byzantine emperor Manuel II Paleologus and an educated Persian on the subject of Christianity and Islam, and the truth of both. Here is what has Islam so pissed off, (besides the fact that they have not killed all the joooooooooos and infidels), Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.The Pope continued to quote Manuel II (which Muslims will claim gives them the justification to kill everyone they disagree with.) God is not pleased by blood, and not acting reasonably is contrary to God's nature. Faith is born of the soul, not the body. Whoever would lead someone to faith needs the ability to speak well and to reason properly, without violence and threats... To convince a reasonable soul, one does not need a strong arm, or weapons of any kind, or any other means of threatening a person with death....Obviously irony is lost upon radical Islamofacists, they helped prove the pontiffs poignant point particularly by firebombing and shooting up 5 churches in the West Bank and Gaza. The Pope would like to thank the sandmonkey's for proving his point. |
I had a bit of a "bad night" tonight, but it got me thinking about all I learned from my brother who passed away in April. Mostly, I would say that he left me with one thoguht, "America is NOT dead, it is simply that there are fewer and fewer hearts today than in earlier generations who would do anything to protect and defend her". So, remember, the future of America is NOT simply a matter of military might, but also strength of character and soul that we can show DAILY! To those serving today, GOD BLESS and GOD SPEED YOUR JOURNEY HOME! |
I am having a bit of a hard time actually believing the left and their "outrage" over the ABC movie "Road to 9/11". It seems that they are trying to convince us that this is the first movie about 9/11 that is not truthful, although I don't believe that as this is the FIRST one that actually points out how Slick Willy's administration missed opportunities to capture Osama, mostly due to in fighting and other problems between the CIA, NSA, FBI and so on. They have been just foaming at the mouth for a little while now, and even michael moore has called for the movie (which is NOT being presented as a documentary) to be pulled, due to untrue content. Am I the ONLY PERSON LEFT who remembers his "documentary", which he presented as such and the lies and propaganda he aired in that? Am I the only one who finds it a bit hypocritical that he has NO PROBLEMS airing his movie (which is outright fiction and liberal fantasy) on any network, or even in PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS, but when someone points out Billy Boy's failings, they shouldn't even be allowed to make the movie? Hey, moon-bats! You can't have it both ways, either you are censored when we are, or we get the same freedoms you do!!!! By the way, I still reserve the right to call EVERY DEMOCRAT AND LIBERAL OUT THERE (except Zell Miller) a STINKING HIPPY COWARD until they come on my radio show ( Sunday 1P to 2P central time) for an interview! YOU STINKING HIPPY COWARDS! |